Financial advisory to the shareholders of Da Grasso Sp. z o.o. on soliciting a strategic investor, Orkla Group 19 September 2022

FIDEA acted as an exclusive financial advisor to Da Grasso Sp. z o.o. and its shareholders on a sale to a strategic investor – Orkla Group, leading European supplier of branded products and concept solutions to the consumer, catering and bakery.
“Da Grasso is a well-run business that has built an impressive position in the growing Polish pizza market. We are very pleased to partner with the founder and CEO of Da Grasso to continue developing the concept and expand the network. Through closer collaboration with our existing pizza platforms, we are confident that we will build stronger businesses on our way to becoming one of the leading pizza franchise companies in Europe.
– says Thomas Ljungqvist, Executive Vice President and acting CEO of Orkla Consumer & Financial Investments.
This is another big step in the development of Da Grasso network. We are partnering with Orkla, a company with extensive experience in the out-of-home sector. It is very significant from the perspective of continuing the current cooperation with franchisees, as well as exploring new areas of growth, beneficial for everyone.
– added the CEO of Da Grasso, Magdalena Piróg.