FIDEA advises Casus Finanse S.A. on attracting strategic investor

In August 2015, Lindorff Group acquired a 100% stake in Casus Finanse S.A., a leading receivables management company in Poland.


Arrangement of bank financing for American Heart of Poland

In April 2015, AHP Group and a bank consortium consisting of Bank BGŻ BNP Paribas S.A., Bank Millenium S.A., Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., Société Générale S.A., as well as European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, signed a credit facilities agreement in the amount of PLN 496 million.


Arrangement of financing for Szpitale Polskie

In January 2015, Szpitale Polskie S.A. and a leading private equity firm Oaktree Capital, signed an agreement securing new funds to finance the Company’s further development. FIDEA acted as the sole financial adviser of Szpitale Polskie.

“Profitable emargo”, Forbes 09/2014

In the 9/2014 issue of the Polish edition of “Forbes” magazine, the article “Profitable embargo” presented alternative scenarios for companies hit by the Russian food ban.


“Maspex, or how Pawinski built his empire”, Forbes 07/2014

In the 7/2014 issue, the Polish edition of “Forbes” magazine covered the growth story of Maspex, the leading Polish food company.


FIDEA as a Partner of the 9th edition of Capital Market Leaders Academy

The 9th edition of Capital Market Leaders Academy, the development program for the most talented students and graduates of Polish universities, was inaugurated on 30th June 2014 with a lecture by the President of NBP, prof. Marek Belka, who discussed relations between economy and social politics. The program is a joint initiative of Lesław A. Paga 2065 Foundation, Warsaw Stock Exchange and the most significant companies and institutions operating on the Polish capital market.


Portal Spożywczy interview with Adam Jabłoński

In June 2014 Portal Spożywczy published an interview with Adam Jablonski, Partner at FIDEA. The conversation focused on the strategy of Agros Nova and its opportunities to develop in the specific segments of the food industry. The whole content of the article (in Polish) is available on Portal Spożywczy website.

FIDEA as a partner of 5th edition of Private Equity Forum & Awards Gala

On June 3rd, 2014, Warsaw played host to the 5th edition of Private Equity Forum & Awards Gala. The conference was accompanied by the awards ceremony for the best companies on the market.


Life Healthcare Group acquires majority stake in Scanmed Multimedis

In April 2014 Life Healthcare Group, through its wholly owned subsidiary, acquired 80.65% of shares in Scanmed Multimedis S.A., one of the leading private healthcare service provider in Poland. Scanmed Multimedis operates both in inpatient and outpatient care segment through: a 130 bed multidisciplinary acute hospital in Krakow, a 22 bed specialist ophthalmological hospital and 23 medical centers, which offer outpatient care and diagnostic services in Poland’s main cities, including: Warsaw, Gdansk, Poznan, Wroclaw, Katowice and Krakow.
